Scholarship Awardees

2022 Texas WPF Scholarship Recipients


Lily Anna Nichols

I have toggled between the many business majors during my senior year but I'm currently planning on pursuing a degree in Accounting. I hope this scholarship will help me achieve academic excellence in the classroom through providing me with funds I intend to spend on books and computer software for my first year of college. I hope that through investing in these materials I will be able to harness what I learn in the classroom and apply it to everyday life. These materials will also aid in my goal of maintaining a high grade point average to ultimately apply to a graduate level program. I was informed about this scholarship through family helping me find ways to pay for my education. Amongst the many scholarships suggested to me this scholarship program stuck out because I will be the first in my family pursuing business so mentorship is extremely valuable. My current hobbies include going running, playing volleyball, and spending time with my cat named Morty. My goals for the future are to be admitted into the Integrated Master’s program of Accounting at the University of Texas at Austin at the end of the Spring 2023 semester. In addition, I hope to be in a first year leadership position in the Undergraduate Business Council at UT Austin to make changes within campus policy in the McCombs School of Business to be a voice for others. I'm very interested in the mentorship program because I will be the first on my dad's side to attend college and the second on my mom's side of the family. I don't have any current business women to ask questions to or gain guidance from because no one in my family has pursued a similar career. Any knowledge that can be passed down to me would be greatly appreciated and I'd love to meet inspiring people that can help me achieve my goals.


Kelly Yin

I will be a freshman at the University of Texas at Austin majoring in business in the next school year. I love to sing, read, paint, dance, and play the guitar and other instruments. I hope this scholarship will help support my education and future career in government or nonprofit work related to cancer. I found this scholarship by searching online, and I am very interested in the mentorship program. Thank you again for selecting me for this scholarship!


Sarah Gifford

Current Major: Business Administration, Minor in Human Resource Management

What you hope this scholarship will help you achieve:

As a rising senior at the University of Texas at Dallas’s business school, I hope to apply this scholarship to achieving a few final academic goals. This year, I aim to prioritize my GPA (keeping it at 3.9) and engage in professional and academic clubs and societies to help me segue into the DFW workforce before my December 2023 graduation. This scholarship will provide the support I need to commit time and energy to these career-launching activities.  

How you found out about this scholarship:

I discovered this scholarship through my own research about Texas women’s scholarships.  

Your current hobbies:

My current hobbies include tai chi, reading, going on long walks, running a student-based creative writing club, and cardmaking for children with chronic illness (through Caitlin’s Smiles).  

Your future goals:

In the upcoming years, I hope to balance my life with a rewarding career, healthy personal relationships, and strong community engagement activities. Through my career, external organizations, and volunteering efforts, I hope to bridge some of the opportunity gaps in the Texas workforce. Eventually, I would also like to share and publish a novel that inspires others to explore the meaning of life and the value of loving themselves and others.  

Note your interest level in our mentorship program:

I am very interested in the WPF mentorship program!


Sydney Nicole Scott

Current Major:


What I hope this scholarship will help me achieve:

I hope this scholarship will cover the cost of books and fees associated with school so that I may excel in my classes. 

How I found out about the scholarship:

Professor in the school of business at UTSA 

My current hobbies:

Volleyball, Cooking, and Coding 

My future goals:

To work as a financial or budget analyst for a corporation in Downtown Houston. 

I am very interested in the TXWPF mentorship program.


Astrid Alvarado

What you hope this scholarship will help you achieve:

I hope that this scholarship will provide me with the networking resources needed to succeed in a career in public finance. Being a woman in any industry, particularly in finance and public policy, can be a daunting challenge. However, I hope that this scholarship will provide me with a community and opportunities to succeed in these fields. Additionally, this scholarship will provide financial assistance to finish my master’s degree. As a first generation college graduate and child of immigrant parents, I will be the first in my family to obtain a master’s degree. Therefore, this degree holds significant meaning to my family and I and I am honored to receive the professional and financial support in my endeavor to serve my community.

How you found out about this scholarship:

I found out about this scholarship through my college career and internship center.

Your current hobbies:

My current hobbies include baking, spending time outdoors, spending time with my family and two dogs Jak and Mila, and video games!

Your future goals:

As a current intern for the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, I hope to continue working in government to serve the great state of Texas. My passion is serving my community through policy and I hope to do this at a director level through a state agency or working with the Texas legislature. Eventually, I hope to create my own non-profit organization that specializes in financial literary for underrepresented communities throughout Texas.

Mentorship program:

I have high interesting in participating in the Women in Public Finance - Texas Chapter internship program.


Jennifer DuPlessis

Current Major:

Superintendent Certification

What you hope this scholarship will help you achieve:

This scholarship will help my family and I tremendously. It will aid me in advancing my career in public finance for schools by helping me build capacity and providing an often-needed certification for administrators. I will soon be sending my own children off to college, so this will also help us to manage these financial responsibilities as a single-wage earning household.

How you found out about this scholarship:

From a TXWPF Executive Council member who recommended I begin attending meetings where I heard about the scholarship .

Your current hobbies:

When not working or studying, I enjoy spending time with my three children at their various activities, including football, soccer, and FFA.

Your future goals:

Elevate my contribution as a cabinet-level school administrator

Note your interest level in our mentorship program:

I would love to participate!


Perla Romero

Current Major:


What you hope this scholarship will help you achieve:

I hope this scholarship helps me achieve my education goal of obtaining my MBA in Accounting to further my career in my local school district, Seguin ISD. Finance is truly the heart of all operations in both private and public sectors keeping the flow steady to achieve all the company’s goals. I hope to one day run operations with a great team at Seguin ISD to keep providing out students with the best quality of education possible. I am proud of being in the background helping to build a better tomorrow through our youth. #MatadorProud

How you found out about this scholarship:

This scholarship was forwarded to me via email by the CFO of Seguin ISD, Tony Hillberg. I am very thankful that he is a boss who encourages growth and continuing education without our department.

Your current hobbies:

I recently just ended the Matador Mentor program where I had the opportunity to help and befriend a 5th grade student for the second half of the school year. I will continue to be in the program the following school year. I also love spending time with my daughter and my dogs. I also love to go on outdoor runs to get my daily dose of fresh air and salty sweat to relieve stress.

Your future goals:

My future goals as a mother and professional are similar in a sense that everyday I learn something new and apply it to solve or improve a situation. I hope five years from today I will be in a managerial role with an empowering team striving to keep the heart beating healthy and strong in the company. As a mother, I hope to mold my daughter, as she grows into her own person, into a human that is independent, brave, and above all kind to others – always willing to lend a hand to help.

Note your interest level in our mentorship program:

Very interested.


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"To support and advance the careers of women in public finance by fostering relationships and networking, and providing educational and learning activities."


Women in Public Finance, Texas Chapter

c/o Municipal Advisory Council of Texas
600 W. 8th Street
Austin, TX 78701

Email: [email protected]


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